One of Us Pt. 04

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One of Us — Part 4

(This is the fourth part of 7 installments. I apologize to all for my writer’s block as this took a really long time. It’s here now.

Quick synopsis: Doc bought Scott’s building and tried to buy him out of his lease because she wanted an environment that was safe for the lesbians who would populate the house. Scott stood his ground and eventually was told by Doc that she accepted him. He also became very friendly with his downstairs neighbors, Leticia and Bea. In Part 2, he went to a party to see the film Freaks, then woke up dressed like Dolly Parton. Olivia had arrived late and joined in on the fun but soon does not like what she sees. In Part 3, Olivia and Scott enjoy the park and discover more about each other, leading to blossoming mutual attraction but Bea has something to tell them.)

Awakened by the doorbell, Olivia shouted, “Oh Shit! It’s 8 o’clock already!”

I said, “Omigod, you can’t be serious. You’d better get the door.”

Bea and Steph stood there with smiles, then Steph said, “I can’t wait to dig into that pizza. I’m starved!”

Olivia, or O as she prefers, said sheepishly, “We fell asleep.”

Bea laughed, “Fell asleep or slept together?”

O laughed too, “A bit of both actually! OK, I’ll order the pizzas.”
Steph said, “Great but I’ll drive over and get them if you’re ordering from Mario’s. Their deliveries take forever.”

O nodded then called in the delivery putting the charges on her credit card in advance.

As she was leaving, Steph called to Bea, “You’d better fill them in on what’s going on!”

As the door started to close, Bea said, “Doc’s out of control and she’s got to be stopped! Now!”

O said, “You sound alarmed.”

I laughed, “OK Bea, given the past 6 months, what could possibly constitute more out-of-control when it comes to Doc?”

Bea laughed back, “Fair question but as the song goes “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!” Yes, we all knew she was obsessed with you — first, obsessed with making you move and then obsessed with helping you resume your aborted transition — something she kept telling me she really wanted to do for you after the trouble she had made for you and because she thought it was a perfect solution all around. “

I was a bit taken aback by that, “Really, the first I heard that Doc would be interested in getting me back on the path of transition and was willing to fund it was when Pooja said it at the party — hey, I’m surprised I recall that but I do. But honestly, I didn’t take it seriously because I just chalked it up to the wild party. It was only when sweet Olivia talked to me this afternoon that I found out Doc was serious about this. Anyway, this is all getting awfully deep and overwhelming. “

O chimed in, “Bea, you and I know all this. If you’re this outraged, there must be something new.”

Bea,” Oh yeah! New as in just revealed. It’s been going on for many months. Doc’s had holes drilled and cameras in stalled in all the apartments in all our houses. She also had her detective bribe an office worker at Scott’s former therapist’s office to get her copies of the case notes. She’s also been had a detective follow Scott and send her daily updates.”

I said, “She told me about the private detective part but made it sound it was a one-time check and interviews with a few people not something that was daily and ongoing.”

O said, “Same here. Bea, how do you know that the cameras are everywhere, not just in Scott’s apartment — which is bad enough of course.”

Bea said, “Leticia climbed on a chair to try to swat a fly and noticed the hole, then investigated. We found the cameras so I visited with Corky. You know we were in the service together. She admitted that she helped Doc install the cameras in our apartment. When I asked why Teesh and me, she said it was done to all the units. I thought at first it was just this building but apparently, it’s been all of them. Yukai is now checking these out in her building and will get back to me. Steph mentioned to me that the pretext Doc announced for Scott’s punishment as “Dolly” was because Scott and Teesh had sex. Since Teesh and I didn’t mention it to anybody and I’m pretty sure Scott didn’t, she must have found out through the cameras at Scott’s.”

I said, “Whoa! This is way out there. I’m getting dizzy.”

O said, “Well, she doesn’t own this house so you should be safe here, Scotty. Please stay as long as you need to until we sort this out.”

I said, “I’m really confused.”

O smiled at Bea, “I’m getting less confused, I think. It’s clear that Doc is an out-of-control megalomaniac who became so obsessed with you that she felt whatever ends she went to justified the means.”

Bea, “Just what I was thinking. So, I guess she lied to both of us when she went on about how she really wanted to make amends and help our boy Scottie over here. That does stun me because she kept saying how she had great plans once the transition Pendik Sınırsız Escort was underway to offer him — that is you, Scott — a high-paying job saying that you have unbelievable strength and talent.”

O replied, “Just more BS, I guess.”

I started crying, then calmed down enough to say, “I didn’t think I was that important to anyone, let alone someone as world renowned and accomplished as “THE” Amelia Lippincott. Why pick on me? Why so long and so hard?”

O took my head to her chest and I rested on her boobs. It didn’t take me long to feel better and regain my composure. She whispered to me to follow her to the kitchen. I did and she mixed us a couple of vodka-and-tonics. O then called over to the others, “Bea? Steph? Vodka and Tonic? I’ve got Ketel One.”

Steph replied, “No thanks, we still have our beers.”
O retorted, “Yeah, but hearing this, I needed something stronger.”

Bea said, “Yeah, me too. I’ll take one.”

Steph said, “OK, you three, have fun. I’ll stick to beer.”

When we came back, O took a sip, gazed up at the ceiling for perhaps a minute, then announced, “Wait, just a minute! We have concrete evidence that Doc had holes drilled in her tenants’ apartments, deliberately invaded the privacy of many of her tenants, used illegal methods to obtain a particular tenant’s medical records, drugged that tenant and subjected him to false imprisonment. We can document all of this, right?”

Bea said, “We may have to get an affidavit from Corky but yeah, that’s right.”

O laughed out loud, “OK, who wants to be a millionaire?” Everyone laughed and raised their hands.

I said, “You mean…?”

Bea interrupted, “O, you’re the attorney. You mean Doc went over the edge so much in trying to control not only Scottie but the rest of us too that we can all sue her for millions.”

O said, “Well, at least Letitia, you and Scottie — especially our boy here. I don’t know that Steph and I have been harmed or can claim any real damages. There may be many others, maybe everyone in her housing if she had holes drilled and put cameras everywhere.”

Bea said, “Millionaires! Wow, I like the sound of that!” She motioned to give me a high five and I slapped her hand!

O said, “Easy now. That’s certainly the way it looks but I’ll need your help and assistance from some of the others in fact-finding and establishing a timeline before we know for sure.” Then turning to me, she continued, “Scottie, how about we take a ride over to the apartment. Get a bag and a suitcase and pack enough for you to go back and forth to work from here. I want you to make this your base for the next week or so until we’ve all agreed to a plan and no who else needs to be involved.”

I hugged her, deliberately slumping my head back on top of O’s breasts, “Sweetheart, why don’t you do the thinking for both of us? You’ve been my hero since the moment we met.”

O pecked me on the cheek, “Well, I hope to keep earning your trust — especially since legally, even I may be in over my head. There are many potential ramifications here. One thing is certain my mind. Doc has to pay for what she’s done. You cannot treat people like this, especially someone as loving, open and wonderful as you.”

Then O turned to Bea, “That goes for you also, darling, and Teesh!” I don’t care how wealthy you are, you can’t get away with running roughshod over your friends — especially when they are paying tenants with contracts!”

Steph said, “Now everybody, hold your horses! I’ve still got beer and pizza to finish and I don’t like to drink or eat alone.”

We all laughed and spent another hour lightening up, laughing and dreaming about what we might buy with Doc’s millions. At 11’ish, Bea and Steph left and we went back to my walk-up. Luckily, we got a parking space right in front. O went up with me and I had all I’d need for the week scooped up and back in O’s car in about 15 minutes. We didn’t see or hear Doc or anyone else which was great. We didn’t need any more complications.

That week had a lot of moving parts but O made things easy for me. She said to focus on my work and resting up until Bea, Steph and her got to the bottom of fact-finding. I was thrilled to do just that but later found out that O got her associates to fill in on her cases while she spent the week diving headlong into this. I needed to catch up on a few things at work. So while we continued to bond emotionally and psychically in terms of our budding romance, we were both too exhausted for sex. We settled instead for hugs and cuddling. I slept in her bed more often than not.

In terms of the investigation, the evidence that Doc had been out of control in her obsessiveness and lack of regard for the privacy of her tenants kept mounting. Cameras had been installed in twelve of the units she owned, all unbeknownst to the tenants. Corky had helped Doc in installing and monitoring the information collected from all of the Pendik Suriyeli Escort film. Likewise for microphones and tapes. In short, both Corky and Doc had committed multiple felonies.

I felt it was time to talk with Doc’s attorney Pooja before further interviewing the other victims and before confronting Doc. She considered Pooja a close friend and knew her to be level-headed. Pooja was flabbergasted. She knew that Doc knew I had begun transitioning in my college days but stopped because of personal tragedy. She knew that Doc was interested in helping pave my way financially if I wanted to resume the journey. She has no idea Doc had obtained my medical records or drugged my drink at the party. Moreover, since she was there she felt complicit and informed O flatly that she could no longer could represent Doc in any legal matters. Doc had essentially violated the attorney-client covenant by including her in illegal activities, albeit unknowingly. Add the multiple felonies Doc and Corky committed in violating tenants’ privacy and the felony committed in illegally obtaining my medical records and Pooja had been rendered speechless and felt betrayed. O empathized with Pooja completely but asked if she could help her in getting everyone whose privacy had been violated together for interviews before she terminated her professional representation of Doc. She agreed.

And so that Thursday night, the twenty tenants in the twelve units gathered in the conference room in Pooja’s law firm along with Bea, Letitia, Olivia, Steph and me. O convened the meeting and recounted the facts as she knew them, then asked for any other facts anyone knew. The tenants from the other units knew nothing about what had happened in our building and had no clue that they had cameras and listening devices installed there. At this point the floodgates opened. Every woman there talked about how violated she felt and that Amelia, as most of the others referred to Doc, was the last person they’d suspect of violating personal privacy after she had done so much over the years to help them personally and financially in building self-esteem. After a lot of crying, hugs and exchanges of deep feelings, Pooja then let everyone know she felt compelled to stand down as Doc’s attorney and was not inclined to plead for any mercy for her former client. When the new attorney was found, her mission would be to ensure that everyone whose privacy was violated would receive a lot of money. The matter would be made public and the press would have a field day. Amelia Lippincott, her reputation, estate and position in the community would be destroyed.

It was then that I said, “But, I didn’t think…”, then I started sobbing uncontrollably. Trying to continue I croaked out, “Can’t you see…”, then started crying again. When I finally found my voice I flatly and loudly said, “No!’ After a pause, I added, “Destroying everything Doc built in our community, all the good that has been done and continued to be done suddenly stopped and wiped out? Because she got obsessed with me and trying to protect her women. Because of me! No, I don’t need money that badly and can move out if that’s what it takes.

A lot of discussion followed. Shane, a woman from one of the buildings, was incensed that I, a man, was calling it “Our” community and said that it was proof that Amelia was right all along in trying to force me out. Olivia, Pooja and Bea all leaped to my defense and explained the situation.

Not everyone was willing to accept that but Pooja was able to get them to movie past that to the real issue: Did anyone else feel the same way? Were the others willing to forego what loomed as a large payday — depending on the level of perceived damage by a jury — in order to keep this matter quiet and give Doc an opportunity to make less costly amends? Complicating matters, Doc had yet to be confronted and would need new representation so no one knew whether she felt remorseful or would be willing to make amends before major suits were filed. Consensus would not be easy to reach so Bea, Olivia, Pooja and I prepared for the worst.

It took months of negotiations but eventually everybody agreed on monetary and relocation (if desired) settlements that would keep Doc’s potential criminal charges of invasions of privacy and false imprisonment unfiled, forgotten and forgiven. Steps were taken to ensure that Doc never again had access to perform “maintenance” on any of the building units and huge penalties for any further stunts. There were a number of other interesting provisions including full sponsorship of my transition. But for most of the tenants, the most interesting one came months later at what contractually would be an annual event, Doc’s Repentance Bash.

No expenses were spared. The finest wedding hall on the Main Line, swanky suburbs outside Philadelphia, was booked for our private use. It was replete with a guest master chef and pastry chef preparing top-of-the-line specialties Pendik İranlı Escort from the finest cuts of filet mignon with béarnaise sauce to fresh caught steamed lobster to free-range Chicken Kiev to Beluga caviar. As a newly minted pescatarian (a vegetarian who also eats fish), I allowed myself some steamed lobster but really pigged out on the ratatouille and the crème brulee. Did I mention the array of scrumptious desserts including bananas foster and a huge rum cake in the shape of the universal female sign and a sponge cake shaped like eternity? Dom Perrignon champagne flowed in abundance with plenty of other wines, spirits and liqueurs.

After 2 hours of festivities including speeches by Doc and Olivia about the progress of the homes and the launching of a Lesbian-Gay-Trans Initiative and a contest to vote for the best kissing couple at each table to take home the flowers — Olivia and I won at our table, the wait and kitchen staff were sent home and the security guards were asked to do their duties outside the front and back doors. That’s when the Sex Capades began.

Amelia (“Doc”) and Corky consented to being tied to gurneys, completely naked, backside up, with pillows beneath their groins and necks. Bea took the microphone and asked the assembled throng “Are you ready to Humble?” After hearing a huge roar of approval, Bea continued “Let the Games Begin!’

Paddles were distributed by Olivia and Pooja to the crowd. About 2/3 of us circled Doc’s table with the other 8 doing the same at Corky’s because she was Doc’s principal instrument in invading our privacy. Bea instructed everyone to give three whacks then move the circle counter-clockwise to give the gal on your left the next shot. We started on Doc with Steph who was standing at six o’clock who gave her three full-strength whacks. The slapping sounds were impressive. I was standing to Steph’s right which meant I was last in line. Doc shouted, “Is that the best you can do?” With Shane up next, that was ill-advised. The first slapping sound echoed off the walls for 30 seconds and the next two were louder. O later told me that involuntary tears started coming from Doc’s eyes as she tried but was unable to choke out a response. At that, a “WHOOP” came from the crowd.

It was then I heard fierce slaps coming from Corky’s table and looked over to see little Leticia administer the blows. Bea told me she was a lot stronger than she looked. Obviously, she was right. After the first 9 had their way with Doc, Corky was done at her table. She had shed some tears herself although not very many. She took some water with lemon since her throat was a bit sore from involuntary ouch yells. Leticia told Corky she should be proud because she took her punishment like a man. They both laughed and Corky told her, “OK now, that’s done, when I get back girl, you’re going to get a serious fucking!”

As soon as Corky got back, Doc asked if she could use the bathroom and get some lemon water as well and permission was granted. She tried to maintain a brave face but it was obvious to me that she was a wreck. Older than the rest of us, she wasn’t used to such physical punishment. I whispered to the other girls to give her lighter whacks when she returned. Rhonda, from another house, yelled “Fuck you, half-sister!” Everybody laughed but when Doc came back and was tied securely back, most of the whacks with the paddle were audibly softer. Then came my turn.

Bea said “Wait a second, Scottie.” I looked to her as she continued. “She had enough whacks on the rear. The next phase of the punishment is another type of whack. Switch over to the other side.”

Confused I asked, “You want me to use the paddle to whack her face?”

Bea’s answer: “No, after all Doc did to screw with you, we all thought it would be fitting for you to whack off in her face and give her a facial with your cream!”

I laughed thinking she was teasing, then looking at Bea’s face, it was apparent she was deadly serious. I began to protest, “Don’t you think she’s had enougth?”

The entire room gave a quick and loud rejoinder in unison, “NO!”

I played for time, “Well, you know I’m began taking estrogen a few weeks ago. It may take me longer to reach a climax if I can do it at all. Besides, my mind and body are in harmony about becoming the woman I always was inside. This isn’t very ladylike, is it?”

Olivia interrupted, “Scottie, you know how I feel about you and the woman you are becoming. But we’ve all discussed this and we want you to do this for the team. We need to Doc get a facial from you as a type of full-circle closure.

I smiled, “Well, I like the feel of circles. And if you really want to see me do this, also, O, I’ll do the best I can. Sort of a last hurrah, right?”

Olivia replied, “Exactly. You said you were due to start T-blockers in two weeks so the last hurrah sounds just about right. Pull down your bottoms and panties, take it out and start whacking that meat.”

Doc groaned, “You do this and I may cancel our deal.”

Pooja reminded Doc: “You know you can’t do that unless you want to lose everything.” Doc nodded in acknowledgement.

Doc roared, “Well, Scottie, if you’re going to do this and think you actually can, then just do it quickly and get it over with.”

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